Psychologist Dr Leonard Sax on Backlash Against Pro-Transgender Movement

Dr Leonard Sax is an MD and psychologist. He's written much (and well) about issues hurting the development of America's children (especially boys, who were much disfavored for a couple of decades). Today he joins us to talk about some of the backlash against some of the most extreme efforts of the pro-transgender crowd. There was a serious, credible, large study in the UK that found no scientific basis for some of the most aggressive treatments being applied to youth who "identify as" transgender. Based on the report, the UK is significantly changing their standards of care. The lady who wrote the study, Hilary Cass, says she's being hounded.

** I note that I am not "anti-transgender". People should lead the lives they want to lead (as long as they don't harm others.) My concern, and the concern of many others, is in the exceptionally difficult realm of making decisions for children that have either permanent or else difficult-to-reverse implications for the rest of their lives when they might simply be struggling with temporary psychological issues or some of the ordinary pressures of youth. That said, I disapprove of states making laws that absolutely prevent parents from making their best decisions for their own children and I find it rather ironic that the biggest pushers of this government interference into parenting is conservatives who, in every other situation, argue against government supplanting parents.

Leonard Sax MD PhD | Physician, Psychologist, and Author

The end of transgender craziness? (

Hilary Cass: I can’t travel on public transport after gender report (

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